Ahhh! A real place to chill out and kick up your feet! Whether it's in the large, jetted garden tub or in your own cozy bed, you'll love this large and luxurious place. This area is the area that has always received the biggest "oohs" and "ahhs" when we've given our house guests a tour of our home. The Master Bedroom is extremely spacious and a wonderful place to regain your balance and energy.

We have immensely enjoyed the way this area has encouraged quality family time as well as quality escape time. We put our family piano in here and enjoyed many hours of music and singing with the children. Even with the space required for such a large instrument, there was still more than enough room for a king-sized bed, two large bedside tables, dressers, and a television! We even had a chair and sitting area for watching the TV together.

Of course, with our large family, the bathroom never failed to be a gathering place during the mornings or any getting-ready-to-go times. The double-vanity is split and corneredd with lots of counter space so that several people can primp together at the same time. And under those counters are cabinets and drawers that hold all of your daily hygiene and personal care needs!
In this big Master Bath you will also find two separate walk-in closets with high ceilings and shelving that allows for tons and tons of storage. And these spaces have been tested to extreme limits with us! (Psst, let me just say that a certain holiday gift-giving occasion can find this extra space QUITE useful around November and December!)

Besides there being a relaxing and beautiful garden tub, there is also a separate shower and closed-off toilet area. WIth such a large and inviting bath area is this, it's nice to have the ability to keep at least a little privacy when the pitter-patter of little feet wander in during those times when you'd rather be alone. And thanks to the original builders of this house, there's even a telephone jack on the wall of the enclosed toilet area so some phone conversations can be handled during, um, some of your quieter moments! But even if the idea of royal throne conversations grosses you out, let me assure you that having that phone handy is WONDERFUL when the calls start coming in during shower times. For some reason, your most important callers just don't know how to wait for you to be completely dressed when they make their calls!